Multiply Your Success Lead

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In  Multiply Your Success – Lead ,  Sam Adeyemi challenges the traditional paradigm of leadership and presents practical principles through...
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In Multiply Your Success – LeadSam Adeyemi challenges the traditional paradigm of leadership and presents practical principles through which anyone can maximise his/her potential as a leader. Noting that the keyword in leadership is influencing people to achieve great goals, the insightful teacher explains that one can only influence people to the extent to which one has developed competence and character which are the core ingredients of leadership. He says that while positions may give one an opportunity for leadership, they do not necessarily make one a leader. To be a leader, one must add value.

In this 124-page book, Sam Adeyemi emphasises the need to develop the right mindset about leadership coupled with key qualities such as vision, courage, integrity, love and perseverance. He thinks giving people vision is a rare thing to find, yet it is in great demand. This underscores the need for leaders. However, one cannot be a leader without first catching a vision for oneself as people are only committed to following visionary leaders. Without a personal vision one cannot inspire other people to follow, much less give them a vision.

The author establishes the fact that leading people entails first solving personal problems and replicating the models of one’s personal solutions for others. Leaders with vision see things and people not just the way they are, but the way they could be. The foundation for improvement, change and progress is vision. He says when God opens one’s eyes to see the future, one sees it as real as the present though being yet abstract so that when sight is clear enough it moves the visionary into action. This, he says, is traveling into the future by meditation or imagination where one cannot be limited by time or space.

Sam Adeyemi posits that there is a prevailing need created by the inability of others to recognise potentials and that can be a niche to someone who would be a leader because people naturally get attracted to a person who believes in them. This is because most people either do not believe in themselves or do not have people who believe in them. Therefore, one can determine the kind of leaders and followers the future community will have by making it a habit to dream and help others do the same. The author says that starting small is not the problem of leadership but dreaming small.

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